White People Can Say ‘Nigga’ Too! by Nova Giovanni

I dedicate this to Kalmplex Seen for asking me to write about it… and to ALL MY NIGGAS!!!

Hello, loyal reader. Today’s topic is a controversial one. Therefore, I will begin by telling you what this article is NOT. This article is NOT about race relations or racism. This topic is about a word, and the usage of that word. The word on trial today is, ‘NIGGA’!!! More importantly, it is about White people using the word presently. This isn’t about the history of the word ‘nigger’, because we’re not talking about ‘nigger’. We’re talking about ‘nigga’. You notice the difference?
I searched high and low for a qualified person to tackle this subject. After restless nights, I found him – ME! Can White people say, ‘nigga’? OF COURSE they can. It isn’t a hard word to pronounce. The real question is, “SHOULD White people say the word”? I believe it depends on the context of the conversation. I’ll give you an example, there are two men in their early twenties conversing with each other. One is White and one is Black. Their names are Hakeem and Bradley. I know your stereotypical mind is assuming that Hakeem is the Black guy, and Bradley is the White guy. Okay, your assumption is correct. Hakeem is the Black guy, and Bradley is the White guy.

Here is how their conversation goes:

Hakeem: Yooo, Brad! Wassup, my nigga? How you been?

Bradley: I’ve been good. Chillin’, my nigga.

Hakeem: Don’t call me a nigga, my nigga. You’re White, my nigga. Don’t EVER say ‘nigga’, NIGGA!

Bradley: I don’t mean any harm by it. Besides, you call me a ‘nigga’ all the time.


***Hakeem punches Bradley in the face***

***an onlooker calls the police***

***The police arrive & draw their guns on Hakeem while asking who he is***

***Hakeem reaches for his wallet & is shot 41 times***


Do you get the moral of the story? No? Good. Because there is no real moral, nigga.

This is for the Black people who use the word, ‘nigga’ – and A LOT of us niggas use it regularly. If we (Black people) call each other ‘nigga’, what gives us the right to bark at anyone of a different race using it in the same context as we use it (as a general and unoffensive term)? These days, it seems like niggas would rather own a word than own a home. Our music is swarmed with the word. White people listen to the same music we do. Are they not allowed to recite the lyrics because the word ‘nigga’ is in it? They illegally downloaded the album just like we did. Can’t they share in the same joys as us while enjoying pirated music? Nova Knows… but, what do YOU think?

I Love You,

Nova Giovanni

P.S. – White niggas, don’t call me ‘nigga’ yo…



Facebook – Nova Giovanni
