carrie-anne moss 2011

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  • gc_dream2009
    01-13 03:35 PM
    If I were on smoke, coffee or dope or anything else, I would be posting messages of the type you are :).

    Its good to see the tone of your messages seems to have changed from shrieking at all EB3 to fight against EB2 to something a little less absurd.

    Good Luck To You.

    Mr Michael chertoff - do you know what happens when you act fresh with a gal.
    You either get a slap or a kiss. I have not made up my mind about either way but you need to keep on your toes

    You know i think i can see you as a friend (And no i donot need your support in becoming an EB3 representative gosh gc_dreams needsa smoke or coffe or something) and as a friend i will say something

    Please do not patronize me by asking me to take a nap.

    Other than that you are one person on this forum who lets just say has my respect

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  • at0474
    12-14 03:55 PM
    Good summary but let me also add the observation that eliminating the per country quota alone will not bring the desired benefit unless the following are also implemneted

    1) Increase of the total EB quota
    2) Exclude dependents from the quota
    3) Re-capture unused visas from past years.

    --Improve processing time to consume full quota allotted per fiscal year. If the cases are processed at snail pace, increasing quota to half a million visa doesn't mean squat to anybody. It will fall into another cycle of "waste visas & recapture visas"

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  • dilipcr
    06-11 11:49 PM
    People need to understand that you need to give some to win some. I would like to propose to IV a kind of proposal that would be a win win for both the immigrants and the US.

    1. It is meaningless to fight for the rights of ALL the visa holders. Any such attempts would always be resisted by the anti immigrant lobby.
    2. Acknowledge their fundamental point of view that jobs are being stolen due to wage destruction and perpetual visa fraud by these outsourcing companies. Of course resist all these racist BS types. They are the just the noise in the immigration debate.

    My Proposal

    1. Support the Grassley bill in its entirety. If you notice it is those outsourcing companies that are making all the noise but not the genuine companies that use H1B for innovation purposes. These outsourcing neither follow the rules or spirit of the H1B/L1 visas nor provide much of innovation to the market place. There is no point in expecting them to police themselves. We have tried this and they are not here to play by the rules.
    2. In fact, provide the concessions to eliminate the H1/L1 visas for these outsourcers. In return, request visa number recapture for the H1Bs who are employed directly by the companies. I strongly believe that if you are a H1B employed directly by the company (not outsourcing cos), it is unlikely that you would be underskilled or underpaid. A few minor expections may be there but we can safely ignore these exceptions.
    3. Again, people may argue that some of the consultants are highly skilled too. If that were the case, they would have been or would be hired into a permenant position soon once the Grassley bill passes. No company would like to let go of a good performer irrespective of whether they are permenant employees or contractors.

    If you notice, some people echo the sentiment that the Grassley bill would lead to more offshoring. That in my opinion is absolute BS. Only low level jobs would be offshored and in my opinion a h1b visa should not be used for these low level jobs. The high skilled jobs would always stay here and they would not be under wage pressure. The best and the fittest would survive and get the same.

    I strongly believe that by providing these concessions, atleast the skilled immigrants would be sparred the trauma of this mindless wait for a GC. I wish to reiterate here that I am neither anti immigration nor anti any ethnicity. I am simply trying to reiterate that we need to lose some to win some. There is no point in the Indian style of negotiations of win all or win none. Let us adapt to the give some take some style of concession building. In this process, it is okay to give up on the interests of those blood sucking outsourcers. For this, I am willing to provide financial, logistical and intellectual support.

    By following this route, we prevent wage destruction which is what the anti immigrant lobby is clamouring about. It is a win win for all and a lose situation for the blood suckers

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  • tabletpc
    10-10 11:46 AM
    "The idea is to request congress to exempt EB applicants & their dependents from numerical limits of the Immigrant visas, if they buy a home"

    Genious...!!WHo ever thought of this idea should be working as one of the committe which advices president on finanacial matters...!!!


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  • reddy77
    07-03 11:34 PM
    Digged , Thanks admins for all these, I really appreciate your hardwork. I want to call senator/Rep in PA, Any contacts of them..

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  • rb_248
    07-21 12:12 PM
    I hate their scheming means to rope you in. They keep calling you and bug you to death. Is there anything that you could do to repel Amway desis? Any sprays, creams, poison?


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  • GCHope2011
    01-14 10:10 AM
    PlainSpeak has a new sock puppet account called actaccord who has no choice but to support him/her. how many more accounts did gcperm create who don't donate ot participate?
    Ok here is the fallacy in your argument. Why do i need mutiple accounts to get you guys to realize what u you are doing is wrong when this one account and this one post is all that takes to get everyone to see the real side of the so called senior members and donaters.
    Regarding GC PERM (Rolling my eyes NOT Again) see my previous post and please read it carefully and if you do not get it please read it a couple of time more. i am sure you will get it.

    And yes my friend TinyHK12 you might have just lost the support of the one guy on this forum who while not being abusive about my post also did NOT support me. He was rooting for AmitJoye a senior member here and some one with whose idea you agree 100%. Thats called as shooting yourselves in the foot

    In cases like PlainSpeak we need a background check for free members posting more than 10 messages a day, not only charge them.
    Sure that is a great idea. As i said before (I think i was responding to you post in another thread) a paid subscription for posting messages on this forum is agreat idea and background checks wow that is a new one. How about a criminal background check like they do for jobs in financial sectors. Great idea but please remeber this will have to be a requirement which wil have to be implemented for each and every member of this forum and yes that includes background check on you yourselves my friend TonyHK. And please dont even think about the privacy issues IV will face

    I agree this member has been inciting people to start fighting with him/her and into arguments, and playing a emotional manipulative card by pretending to be a woman.
    Ok first please get this one fact straight that i am a women but just so that all you abusive senior members and donors will breathe a little easy i will become a man for you. Then you guys will not have any constraints and will not hold back and will not feel bad about abusing a women becasue for your convieneice and so that you can abuse guilt free i hav ebecome a man. Now there is just one thing wrong with this logic

    Sheesh you guys are shooting yourselves in the foot every time you post on this forum

    plainspeak is just trying to keep negative threads alive and incite more in-fighting.
    If you senior members and donars will step back and think about this for a moment you will realize the truth and the truth is that you guys have accused me of mob mentality but the fact is it is you guys who have a mob mentality.

    How let me explain .........

    If you do no agree to a post all of you gang up and start abusing the posters and any unfortunate souls who agree with the posters. Normally that is enough to scare the poster away. He/she either decides that this is not worth it and takes an out or is coerced by you so called senior members in such a way that their will is broken and they are just plain scared (YES SCARED !!).

    Now coming to my post. There is nothing wrong in what i said. I asked for discussion to an idea. This is just like all the other guys and gals before me to tried the same. The only difference is that i stand by my comment and i do not abuse you guys back because i reply back to every argument of yours (No matter how stupid/illogical/abusive) with valid arguments. Now you guys do not know how to deal with that and the only way to respind is to answer back with strong arm tactics.
    But guys the answer is really simple. Answer back with logical arguments and if you do not have any more logical arguments please rethink about the arguments (Do brainstorming and come up with one argument). Do not spend your valuable time working out HOW TO DISCREDIT PLAINSPEAK AND GET HIM (I am a man for you sake) OUT OF THE FORUM. Instead think about a logical argument to my post and convince me. Hey i am here to be convinced, Not my brow beating Not by strong arm tactis and certainly Not by abuses but by Logic.

    (Logic in india is called Tarq. So bai log bhuddi or Tarq sa bate karo )
    PlainSpeak - instead of spending so much time on responding to everyone's criticism of you, why dont you go ahead and detail out the "how" of "what" you think IV should do.

    Maybe there is a gap in the understanding of all the posters here in terms of "how" all what you have said will pan out.

    Please be specific around who, when, to whom and using what means can the "what" of your proposition be accomplished. And while you are at it, it will also be useful to lay out how and which of the activities you could personally be of help (by devoting time/ money/ energy/ All/ Some Combination).

    For all you know, it might open the eyes of a lot of people here.

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  • mbartosik
    12-13 05:52 PM
    it's not the cost of getting an opinion that matters.
    See my two prior posts on being pragmatic.


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  • chanduv23
    02-13 10:59 PM
    you cannot sue for incompetence, or the courts would be full!

    Yes, this is what IV core had told us before.

    But members seem to be enthuiastic about having a case, so it may not hurt to consult an Attorney for legal opinion.

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  • NKR
    02-15 06:24 PM
    I didn't generalize. I said preponderence meaning "a lot of" cases with L1/B1/H1 and I am also not denying the fact the India is doing a great job in producing IT skills in great numbers. I am saying how they end up in America in greater numbers than any other country. China, Pakistan, Israel also produces lots of IT gradutes but they don't have the bodyshop connection to land here with an NIIT certificate.

    Then pray why people from other countries are not landing IT jobs?. Can I say that NIIT teaching is better than the teachings in the universities of the countries you have mentioned?.


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  • mariusp
    02-14 03:41 PM
    Greg Siskind ( seems to be an IV supporter and numerous times in the past has blogged about IV initiatives and such... Maybe we could ask for his oppinion and see if he thinks we have any chance with this?

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  • rbalaji5
    03-30 02:02 PM
    So yo unever know this guys when they will change and what. I need food when I am hungry and need a place to place to sleep when I am tired. I dont care whether Rama has temple or not.

    Congress Ruled us more years than BJP since we got independence.

    Still you are hungry , looking for food and looking for a place to sleep.

    Change We Need. Letz try BJP or Lalu ( :=) this time.


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  • tikka
    07-03 10:39 PM tin

    please DIGG

    Thank you

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  • NolaIndian32
    10-28 01:30 PM
    Can Nixtor or IV Core share some updates on the status of this idea/project.


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  • nik.patelc
    09-03 03:09 PM
    Most of the Indian politicians are Illiterate. This guy is a medical doctor by profession.
    Loved by poor people. Hated by the fundamentalists and Naxals. Most of the AP politicians are corrupt including former PM P.V. N RAO.


    14 die of YSR shock in Andhra - India - NEWS - The Times of India (

    US, France, UK condole Reddy's death - India - NEWS - The Times of India (

    You must have read it on TIMES or NDTV , both are equally unehitical as indian politicians

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  • GCmuddu_H1BVaddu
    09-12 09:13 PM
    Hey _TrueFacts,

    Will you stop the caste based shit here. F**k you a** yourself idiot. You are so called senior member shitting here idiot.

    Last nail in YSR�s coffin

    Jagan gets 3 choices: DyCM, mantri, PCC (


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  • syedajmal
    07-14 12:14 PM
    A little Background

    My Situation -
    My Labor (PERM) and I-140 (EB2) was filed and approved thru Company A ( Priority Date May/15/2006). I was laid off from "Company A" with my last day being Fri 3/23/2007 before I could file my 485 thru them. I started working for "Company B" beginning Mon 3/26/2007 for which I have an approved H1.

    Spouse Situation -
    My wife also has her Labor(EB3) and I-140 approved and 485 pending with a priority date Nov/2002. Her 485 receipt date is July/09/2007.

    While I was leaving "Company A" I did let them know about my Green Card processing and they did promise to help me out if there was anything required in the future.

    With the latest movement in dates, I would like to move ahead with the filing of my 485. I do have a couple of questions regarding what will be needed w.r.t my current situation.

    I would like to know you expert opinion/advice on what can be done in this situation so that I can move ahead with my 485.

    Thanks in advance for your time.

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  • dealsnet
    09-04 10:32 AM
    You are lucky to run away from INDIA, and have good health coverage and forgot about corruption. ;)


    You think you are here because of your merit. It is not my friend. My relative, who is a Doctor came here in 1940's and did higher studies, have to return back to India, because at that time USA will not give permanent residency to Indian citizens. Only whites will get GC during that period.
    Only after 1965 GC is offereed to every one irrespective of color.

    So you are LUCKY to born during this period.


    RAJIV give Science a boost.. PVN. RAO did open the ecomony (eventhough he is corrupt, he did a good job for India). Many Engg. Medical colleges started in late 80's and 90's.
    That is why the India developed. Many people did education in in Engg. and can come here.
    Before in Kerala only 6 Engg. colleges. Now there are more than 70 Engg. colleges and more than 15 medical colleges.
    Same happened to many Indian states including AP.

    In the case of India, recent estimates of INDIAN (BLACK) MONEY outside India (in Countries like SWITZERLAND, )reached Rs.7.5 Million Crores (About US$1,500 Billion). Laying hands on this (Black) money is not in the power of the Indian Government.
    Black Money circulating inside India appears to be no lesser in quantity than the outside component mentioned above.
    Black money and corruption that can spread into the hitherto respected institutions like Judiciary, the Army, and the Bureaucracy in India may, one day, by moral degradation lead to a failed state. Black Money lends free access to the Criminal, Antinational, and Antisocial elements going beyond the control of the laws in place.
    To-day’s civilized world has accepted the phenomenon of hiding money in Swiss Banks as “NOT ILLEGAL” obviously because the CREAM OF SOCIETY in the world owns that money. ……..
    Government of India is not able to help honest, sincere tax payers particularly middle class families in the matter of providing quality Education, Healthcare for their families at reasonable cost. Education and Medical have become Biggest Money spinning businesses in India now. One has to shell out Rs. 30 to 50 Lakhs for a MBBS seat and about Rs. 5 to Rs.10 Lakhs for an Engineering seat in good colleges. How can middle class people can pay this money?. They are deprived of good education though, they pay taxes honestly and sincerely to government. It is really unfortunate. For people who have block money, these things do not matter
    If you have to do business in India, IN ADDITION TO ALL THE OFFICIAL TAXES MENTIONED, LOT OF BRIBES ARE TO BE GIVEN ALMOST TO EVERY DEPARTMENT IN CITY (CORPORATION), STATE (PROVINCE), AND ALSO CENTRAL GOVERNMENTS. Some examples are: Police, Municipal officials, Electricity depat.officials, weights& measures inspector, Rowdies & Goondas, Political contributions, Subscriptions/Donations to RELIGIOUS GURUS ETC.
    THE AMOUNT TO BE GIVEN AS "BRIBE" IN BURIAL YARD(S) IN INDIA, WHEN A PERSON DIE, FOR BURNING THE BODY, FOR GETTING DEATH CERTIFICATE, (THESE ARE IN ADDITION TO OFFICIAL FEES PAID TO MUNICIPALIIES FOR BURNING THE BODY FOR FIRE WOOD ETC.). The amount to be spend after death in India now comes to Lakhs of Rupees for doing all types of cermonies, merging ashes in Ganga at Varanasi and other holy places, giving gifts/charities to pandits, giving advertisements in newspapers, arranging feasts BHOJANALU to thousands of people (so called relatives), friends. This is in addition to LARGE SUMS OF MONEY PAID TO DOCTORS FOR SO CALLED CURING OF SICKNESS.
    In many cases, many middle class people becomes BEGGERS/PAUPERS after getting into hospitals, nursing homes etc. just before dyeing.

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  • jkays94
    05-25 12:28 PM
    At what stage do you have to prove funds? Is it in the form of bank statements?

    Yes, certified/notarized bank statements or letters. In my case a 3 line letter on bank letterhead from my bank stating the holdings in the bank was sufficient. It is a good idea to demonstrate this at the beginning of the process. I know of someone who did not have all the funds at once and they wrote a letter explaining that they had $x amount at the moment (which he showed by way of a bank letter) and that by the time his application was to be finally decided he would have the full amount. After his initial assessment, he received a letter asking for his medicals and updated financials. His process completed in 9 months.

    09-29 11:42 AM
    Hi there,

    I also used automatic revalidation about 3 months back.. Dont worry, The immigration officer there knows all the rules. FYI, I went by car from rainbow bridge. While comming back officer just asked me normal questions such as "Where are you from ? " and "When are you flying back to Houston ?". Thats about it..


    03-30 02:12 PM
    What did you get from this Govt. (any ??)
    What did your home get from this Govt, (any ??)
    What did your City get from this Govt. (any ?/)
    What did your state get from this Govt, (any ??)

    Why do you want this Govt ?.

    Do some research on Nuclear deal and see what it will bring to India in the next couple of decades. And tell me what Mr.Advani brought us when they were in power.