narwhal whale tusk

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  • vamsi_poondla
    05-02 09:34 PM
    Language is a very hot boiled subject. We have to be a bit practical about what makes it work. Anti-hindi agitations have other roots as well. Understanding Dravidian history needs an open mind. Same is the case with everything about India.

    IMO, India is not formed with a single ethnic group colonizing almost empty land and forming a nation based on some principles and later vast immigration followed by years on assimilation based on melting pot concept. It is more of an idea that is formed politically. All 4 south Indian states having a vast culture being ordered to use one language perhaps backfired fueled by resentment against upper castism that existed in Congress during that time.

    Again, it is not either supporting or criticizing any event. That is what happened. We have all Hindi movies being super hit in Chennai. Once can walk in any street in Chennai and transact in English. I find many auto-drivers or even common man,go out of way to help when I speak in English in Chennai. So, please dont stereotype,

    Coming back to the point, if we had gone for Hindi as a national and sole business language, (I dont like insisting any thing in a democracy), we would have perhaps missed IT/BPO wave and most of us will not be here in this forum.

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  • sayantan76
    09-23 12:41 PM
    I think the $700 billion bail-out will just go down the drain and will be lost due to market speculation...stocks will spike but then will go back to its lows or even lower....and then, check-mate!

    it's like a band-aid to a big wound.
    The 700Bn or whatever the final number is not entirely a drain.....

    the thing with all these exotic securities is not that they are completely worthless but that there is no market for these right now and hence are illiquid - so if someone had the ability to keep these securities for a long term (say 30 years - since most mortgages are for 30 years) on their balance sheet - they may not lose as much money as they would if they tried to liquidate these investments in the short term.

    Financial Institutions typically borrow short term to invest in long term investments and keep renewing the short term borrowings - since the underlying investment has become illiquid - it has become difficult to raise financing against it. the govt, howver, can take a long term view and be patient....who the end - the Govt may actually come out with positive cash flow at the end of all this mess. So, the bail-out plan may not be as bad an idea as media is portraying it to short-term - it does take US into further indebtedness.

    I already have a GC - so this debate does not impact me personally - but this is against the basic principals of natural justice.......GC applicants were placed into certain EB categories based on job descriptions and qualifications and then within queues assigned priority dates based on certain logic and are currently being approved based on PD and country quotas..........all these rules were known and published prior to companies and people applying for these GCs.....

    No matter what the incremental benefit is, I think its blatantly unfair (like it was blatantly unfair to push some people to labor backlog centers and approving people with later PDs first) to change the rules of engagement and prioritization midway through the process and give preference to someone based on an ability to invest certain $$s in an house.......buying a house is a commercial and lifestyle decision........should not be a precursor to a USCIS adjudication.......

    keep the red dots coming folks!

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  • venetian
    05-12 04:04 AM
    Come on guys

    Why there is so much name calling

    I read the entire forum postings to get a perspective. I might quote from most of the participants.

    Honestly speaking most of us are members of IV because we want to fix the problem with employment based legal immigration system. We do this because we want to get GC to settle down in life, or to get the deserving promotion or start the new venture we were dreaming about - all in the US. Many of us may eventually apply for the US citizenship.

    In some of the forums, members talk of being born in India or China as sin, they get so desperate during the visa bulletin announcements, depressed when they see the PD moving backwards, envy non India & China EB2 applicants, heated EB3 vs EB2 debate, heated labor substitution debate etc etc etc. Personally I know many who curse themselves for being born in India, I’m sure they do not literally mean but it is out of frustration of being in this country for many years and not able to do what they wish in career or in life because of the GC issue, that being said,

    Nandakumar’s only grievance is that present Govt of India does not help or care for the suffering of Sri Lankan Tamils, I cannot speak for him but I think because of his intense support for the cause of SL tamils, he might have over stated his displeasure towards India but he never once mentioned Tamil Nadu or its secession or even splitting Sri Lanka , or fights between some of the states in India, or anything related to regionalism and did not even mention or support LTTE in his original postings but only to respond to other members postings.

    As I said earlier, all most all of the IV members want to get GC and may want to become US citizen, I’m not sure whether the members who had responded to Nandakumar’s postings have the intentions of permanently settling down in the US. If they do, I don’t see any difference between end objective of either of them, one may present extreme view of protest and reason that for getting US citizenship and other might reason that there is better opportunity in the US than India to get US citizenship, bottom line is both want to leave India and become a citizen of another country, in this case US and show allegiance to the US and its constitution, there after both needs to get Indian visa to visit India, what an irony.

    We are a educated lot, I think members should show restraint and stop this name calling business, if they do not agree on an issue, they should agree to disagree but should not disgrace a person and as another member did, do not bring parents into the discussion, just because the other party has opposite view.

    Recent past USCIS has raided many Indian owned consulting companies for visa and immigration fraud, earlier too few consulting company bosses were arrested for labor substitution fraud etc, this shows how desperate are people to get GC, why someone has to involve in such frauds to be in the US permanently, what India or their home country has done to them, to leave their home country for US, there are many whose business is to bad mouth India with others. What to call these people?

    Another interesting aspect is, nandakumar speaks for himself but others speak for all the Indians, not sure who elected them to represent all the Indians and how do they know the views of all the Indians.

    A honest question for the members who are bashing Nandakumar, you are all here in the IV forum for time pass or with the intention of helping IV to work towards overhauling employment based legal immigration process and eventually to get GC and the US citizenship?

    PS: I do support the genuine aspirations of the SL Tamils and NOT any organization designated as terrorist organization by some countries including the US and India


    It is pretty much proven that in your mental territory you have already ditched India and it is the USA which will take long to grant you a GC and then afterwards citizenship for which you almost represented your beggar like mentality. But that is not my concern and should not be. I have only one question to you and I hope youwould try to answer it with all possible honesty.

    Q: What will be your view regarding USA's official policy to consider LTTE a terrorist organisation? ONce you will be come US citizen how will you align yourself with this policy?

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  • dvb123
    02-16 02:22 PM
    I think this discussion is enough. The ratio of persons wanting to file a case agains't USCIS is more than 85% . The poll never reduced to less than 85% even after a lot of members were added at different intervals.

    We need plaintiffs. People who have been working for fortune 500 companies or govt organisations or non profit organisations or university research or commercial research organisations will be the best fit because they will have a clean immigration history? I think we need a seperate thread for plaintiffs or a seperate group. What do u guys say? Somebody can also contact AILA also about plaintiffs. We may need to start a seperate thread or seperate yahoo group for plaintiffs.


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  • unitednations
    02-13 02:41 PM
    Again wrong information by you and trying to hide background or historical information. Either USDOS/USCIS has not mismanaged the numbers in 2005. Claiming India and China was given more than they entitled to is wrong . They (DOS) did everything right till 2005. Now only they are violating. One has to study the historical issues before 1999. Before 1999, both India and China (both EB2 and EB3) were retrogressed heavily and backlogged. However ROW was current in all EB catagories. There was no retrogression in ROW. It was always current before 1999.

    For example, here is March 1999 VB

    All Charge-
    ability Areas CHINA-
    Except Those mainland

    1st C 22JAN98 C C C

    2nd C 08SEP96 08SEP97 C C

    3rd C 01JAN95 08FEB96 C C

    As a part of AC21 act in 2000, the unused numbers (about 100,000) were recaptured to eliminate the backlogs in EB categories. The reason was this recapture to remove retrogression in India and China, as because that was only two countries backlogged at that point.

    After that ac21 law, there were additional 100,000 visas available apart from 140,000 visas every year. DOS has given 100,000 additional visas to USCIS in 2000 itself to consume it. Because of USCIS slowness/inefficiency in processing 485s between 1999 and 2004, they even did not have processed the yearly quota. Therefore the recaptured visas were remain unused for 5 years because of USCIS inefficiency. Therefore, at some point, it has to be consumed. Therefore USCIS did backlog elimination drive in 2005 (6 months processing of 485s ) to use all the recaptured visas. The original intension to remove backlogs in India and China. That was done by USCIS. USCIS can not hold that recaptured numbers for ever (by imposing 7% limit in India and China) how the future demands will be in EB3-ROW. Far example, if ROW demands 200,000 EB3 visas in year 2020, USCIS/DOS can not hold that AC21 numbers (that were recaptured in 2000) for ROW to be consumed in 2020, by imposing 7% limit. No one can anticipate future demands.

    Theoretically speaking those numbers belongs (AC21 recaptured numbers came only from EB1 and EB2 pool) belongs to EB1 and EB2 category. EB3 never gave any unused numbers in previous years. Ideally speaking, those numbers should have been issued to EB2 category first to eliminate backlogs in EB2 then only to EB3 ROW. Infact, all the ac21 numbers were used to eliminate retro in EB3 only. In 2005 they issed only 44,000 EB2 compare to about 150,000 visas in EB3. This is big injustice to EB2 India and China.

    Bottom line is EB3-ROW is enjoying with the expense of EB2 India and China.

    I don't think so. 7% limit has been there for a very long time. Unused visas from prior years for ac21 purposes were still subject to 7% in current year. The 7% rule was unchanged.

    It seems that you think that the unused visas from prior year were not subject to 7%. There is nothing of the sort that allows this.

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  • chanduv23
    06-26 01:57 PM
    I heard this group of people - from anti immigrant organizations, plan to intercept fedex trucks going into USCIS next month sort out 485 petitions and steal them and hide them in an undisclosed location.

    These people have only one aim in life. Not to allow 485 applications to reach USCIS.

    When USCIS does not recieve any 485 applications, they will retrogress. Then this group of people will stop stealing the petitions.


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  • unitednations
    02-13 03:03 PM
    I am not saying 7% is not applicable for recaptured numbers. EB3-ROW was current while EB3-IN,Ch retrogressed in 2005.

    Again 7% is not a quota or minimum or maximum. It is a guiding tool to avoid monopoly (not to prevent) for fist two months in a quarter and gave the remaining number to third month. It is not meant for reservation.

    As you said Bangaldeshies can not raise flag they as have not consumed 7% quota. Therefore one can not argue that Bangladesh-EB3 should be "current".

    At the end, first-come first served should prevails.

    The 7% is a maximum.

    They do not have to go to 7% if they don't want to. However; they can't go over it; if there is more demand then supply.

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  • hiralal
    06-11 10:34 PM
    your views are correct and analysis looks o.k. too the problem is even the genuine ones get flushed away ..survival of the fittest is not working now at all !!! say a person from worldwide comes in eb3 and say he is just a car mechanic (I know few from south korea who are in this situation) ..they get GC faster than Indian / Chinese EB2 / EB3 applicant (with 10 years experience and good bank balance)
    and Karma means your work / duty and don't worry about results ..we need that ..i.e SEVERAL SMALL Campaigns (since big is not possible now due to members leaving IV / getting dejected that nothing is happening etc etc
    let us not analyze and discuss too much ..we talk a lot and hence the karma that we get is more talk from so called Experts ..lets do numerous small campaigns the very least people will start coming back to IV plus new memberships


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  • venetian
    05-12 10:11 PM
    Just a few...

    Sellapan Ramanathan - President of Singapore
    Sir Veerasamy Ringadoo, ex-President of Mauritius
    Ariranga Govindasamy Pillay - ex-Chief Justice of Mauritius
    Angidi Verriah Chettiar - ex-Vice President of Mauritius
    Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar - Nobel Laureate and University of Chicago professor.
    Navanethem Pillay - United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (originally from South Africa.)
    James Appathurai -NATO Spokesman (from canada)
    Lakshmi Sahgal - Freedom fighter settled in Kanpur
    Tun V.T. Sambanthan - One of the founding father of modern Malaysia
    S Jayakumar, Deputy Prime Minister, Singapore.
    Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Minister of Education, Singapore.
    Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister in, Singapore.
    S Rajaratnam, ex-Deputy Prime Minister, Singapore.
    S Dhanabalan, ex-Minister, Singapore.
    Radhakrishna Padayachi, Minister in Republic of South Africa.
    Gunasagaran Gounder, Fiji politician
    Perumal Mupnar, Fiji politician
    Aruna Roy - head of Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathana, Rajastan
    R. K. Laxman & R. K. Narayan, lived in Karnataka

    I did not include Sri Lankan Tamil politicians or sports persons.

    I can go on and on...

    Again, do some research before commenting



    I was not responding to the Sri Lankan issue - please don't read it as such. As I said, my comment was tangential to the discussion thread. I was just writing about my observation of the behavior and attitude of Tamils in general in India.


    Your point about MGR/Jayalalitha/Rajanikanth just proves my point. These people migrated to Tamil Nadu, made it their home and 'assimilated' by learning Tamil and considering themselves Tamil and showing their love for Tamil - they did not become famous in TN by propagating Telugu/Malayalam/Kannada. Now, if only you could provide some examples of the other way around - Tamils who migrated elsewhere and who made the host cultures proud. Can you?

    There definitely are Telugu/Malayalam/Kannada natives in TN - but without exception, they have 'Tamilized' themselves to a great extent to live a normal life. Is the converse true?

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  • ashshef
    10-21 01:55 PM
    Looking at approval data, i see EB2-India approvals continuing with many recent approvals from Jan 2005. Leading me to believe that most of the application current will be approved by Nov 2009 and we should see +ve movement in EB2-India date to March 2005 in Dec 2009 Bulletin.

    I'd be surprised to see that much movement before the Jan bulletin. If they do a quarterly spillover, I am hoping they'll move it to March at least.
    Been working on H1 since mid-2000. Getting more and more anxious as the dates draw closer.


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  • test101
    07-04 11:27 AM
    Legal immigrants and the prison of USCIS

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  • msyedy
    01-26 11:20 AM
    Thanks Pappu. Is this called Labour substitution? I don't know that term.Any input regarding this is greatly appreciated.

    Labor substitution is not encouraged by INS any more, but is still possible.
    Use the old labor and file for premium I-140. If approved you can use that priority date.

    Simple as that, premium result will be in 15 days.

    Best of luck.... Though I dont encourage this, and I am against this because people are just moving ahead which is not a fair.

    But nowadays.with this retrogression and we fighting for our provisions I have become more stable and want any of my efforts to help anyone and this is making me happy/


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  • langagadu
    09-29 10:26 PM
    $700 billion financial bailout plan was thrown out.Now can you guys think any one will buy this idea. (I am EB-3 and stuck in the queue but still think this idea will not fly).

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  • gc28262
    06-15 04:22 PM
    Ivar and group,

    My suggestion here is that let the outsourcers take the hit. They have always benefitted by flouting the rules. If your concern is way too high for your L1 brothers then you would find it prudent to bring in the law that clearly states "Pay high wages for the L1s or dont bring them in here". ..........................................

    Please wake up from your dream. No matter how you want it, outsourcing won't go away.

    Outsourcing companies will always provide a lower cost to client as long as dollar is valuable than rupee ( or any other developing world currency).

    They can do this by one of the following ways.

    Use L1s for client site assignments. Some of these maybe illegal. Still they do it. Client is happy, outsourcers are happy.

    Let us say everybody complains to ICE about this and L1 visas are unavailable for outsourcers. Their next strategy is to change the ratio of onsite resources to offshore resources. Again they will offer a cheaper solution to client. For executing a project in onsite/offshore model they don't need all these L1 guys here. They just need a few managers and maybe some team leads. They can execute the project with minumum resources onsite. Company and client wins again. The only reason they place so many resources onsite is to charge the client at dollar rate.

    If US wants to prevent offshoring they have to ban offshoring explicitly. Doing so will go against the WTO rules.

    To summarize, outsourcing cannot be stopped. Salary levels will always go down with time.


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  • brahmam
    09-15 11:29 AM
    you are right in Aug 2008 so many people wth PD of 2005 & 2006 got approved. I would have been a lucky one but unfortunately my Birth Certificate turned out to be the culprit and ended with with an RFE. By the time I answered the RFE visa # were exhausted and I was left behind.

    Absolutely. this factor needs to be taken into account. One of my friends that filed PERM in sep 2005 before the dreaded retrogression was gonna hit - he got approved in jul/aug 2007 and consumed 2 GCs. another with Nov 2005 data got through last august 2008 and consumed 4 GCs. there are a lot of such folks and not every updates .

    the unknown factor though is the traditinoal EB2 RIR labors filed in mar 2005, before PERM got in. Just from CISCO, I think there were around ~1000 applicants.

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  • eager_immi
    07-11 02:02 PM
    Nobody is denying US is a better country at this point of time financially. Canada is no comparison. But the issue is do we want to continue living like prisoners in the US or seek opportunity else where? I think if opportunity comes knocking at your door grab it bc US is going throught it's xenophobic phase.

    be ware grass is not always greenr on the other canada i anad heard a lot of bad experiences in canada


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  • Macaca
    01-28 04:53 PM
    USCIS was trying to abolish this substitution. The lawyer lobby opposed it.

    How do lawyers benefit from it? Thanks.

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  • 21stIcon
    03-27 12:12 PM
    Zardari proposed to Palin, Jayalalitha and Mayawati, while first two rejected him and last one accepted Zardari's proposal.

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  • dealsnet
    09-04 12:47 PM
    You moron coming from the slum region or any other place in Bihar.
    You don't know about keralites.
    100% Literacy.
    Living standard is same like Europe. (no other state have the facilities such as health care and standard of living like Kerala).
    It is God's own country.
    Visit and see the details.
    Even the guys working in Gulf countries knows better than you and making much more than you. Go and see their houses.(multi storied), You are still in an appartment.
    Do you ????

    You are _TrueFacts aka poorslumdog aka insider
    You are also here Mr.dealsnet...again I am telling you, use your peanut size brain if you have one. I heard Keral people good only for tea shop or Gulf. what are you doing here. You started your tea shop here. Do you sell medu vada also?

    06-15 05:55 PM
    Ivar and group,

    I think you guys are missing the plot here. Let me reiterate loud and clear. I am NOT against immigrants getting GC. I will not, even in my wildest dreams, claim that the recession is due to the H1Bs and L1s. That is complete baloney spread around by the anti immigrant lobby. My point is let the deserving the GCs soon and not go thru the mindless wait I went thru.

    Having said that I am for the following :

    1. If the outsourcing companies would pay on an avg at 80K per head for the "well qualified" people, I am even ok with their dumping their dumping the L1s here. Why is it that you guys are ok with the L1s being dumped at 40K-60K salaries ? Shuldn't they get paid high too ? This is what I am arguing for. If the outsourcing cos dont want to pay this rate, then keep them in the country of origin. No need to depress wages here. Is this a wrong thing to ask ?

    2. Grassley's bill may force some companies to move entirely to India or China. Isnt that good for India and China ? Why are the pro immigrants against this ? Some times I get the feeling as to who actually is pro and who is anti immigrant !!!! In adition, it may eliminate the many backlogs and help the deserving people here.

    3. People who have made a conscious decision to immigrate here have done so considering the standard of living as one of the primary factors in their decisions. In order to enjoy this standard of living, people have to constantly upgrade skillsets to remain competitive in an industry or move to another industry where mass interest is relatively low. Why should these people's lives, after all the travails, be impacted by the low wage scum outsourcing companies. Please remember these companies, like an other company on earth, operate only on self interest. No point in supporting such companies which in adition to the self interest principle also flout rules with abandon.

    4. In my opinion, self interest has alwyas resulted in the greater good of society. Do not confuse self interest with greed. Greed is what caused this financial mess. If people/companies operated with concern for greater societal good, they would have spent billions in concocting an AIDS vaccine for the children in Africa than to spend the same billions in concocting VIAGRA for the rich old men. Since employment based immigration debate involves companies' interests too, we have to balance societal good with some impact for the companies. My suggestion here is that let the outsourcers take the hit. They have always benefitted by flouting the rules. If your concern is way too high for your L1 brothers then you would find it prudent to bring in the law that clearly states "Pay high wages for the L1s or dont bring them in here". I dont understand what is wrong here ? Is it that I didnt convey my message across right or is it that people blindly support immigration ?

    As i said earlier i agree with you on few points but not all. I have an idea how L1s have been misused to bring in cheap labor but we can't blame them, its the system what allows them to do so. I am not blindly supporting L1s here but its simple demand supply ratio. When i started my engineering in india everyone use to opt for Mechanical engineering which was in great demand those days, its a cycle, Mechanical went down and later IT surged so believe me we are also in this cycle.. some day IT demand will also fade and there will be very limited opportunities available and there will be huge supply of IT engineers (ofcourse highly skilled and talented). The end result is lower wages. People starting their careers NOW should focus in future and what will be the next sector for great job opportunities rather than follow the crowd. We are almost half way through our career, some still have the energy and enthusiasm to upgrade or totally opt for a new career, while some stick to the same old thing.. its a choice we make and the result we get based on our choices.

    Standard of living ofcourse matters and is one of the important factor for coming to US but this has gone down recently not due to IT workers but due to US economy which shrinked at such great pace and trillions of debt US is carrying with it.. it had to happen as i said earlier there are lot of factors contributed for bringing down the standard of living.

    Lastly as you said the best to get their GC first.. agreed !! now how will you determine who are the best of the best.. points system?? or create more Employment based visa categories like EB1.1 for rocket scientist, EB 1.2 for PHd with 10 years and so on.. and do you think immigration system will get into this minute details. There are already three categories EB1 for best of the best followed by EB2 and EB3 and so on..(thats how US immigration does it). that doesn't mean EB3 are less talented people than EB2.. it is the circumstances you face while filing your GC. The problem is who will use the scale to check who deserves GC first and how they will judge who needs GC first based on what factors, protectionist attitude is not the solution and never going to help.. I hope i make my point.

    09-04 02:03 AM
    Conformed you brain got damaged and you will die soon.

    Will distribute sweets after you death

    I am not his follower nor from his family. But you better watch out, if you are too much into him you might be one of the few people to die from his death grief.

    As for your sweets, hold them until YSR’s Son is put to sleep.

    And you ever again put a dirty personal mesg....comments will flow on your family and the way your profile is not anonymous